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22 résultats
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Twitter for WinDev, includes an OAuth class to access any OAuth 1.0 site, a Twitter class to make it easier to make Twitter calls, and a JSON parser class, to easily parse JSON messages. For document...
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Publié le 27/09/2010
Téléchargé 810 fois
Exemplo WINDEV consumindo Api do ChatGpt com Wlanguage, pode ser usado no WEBDEV e no mobile o mesmo código CODIGO EXEMPLO ************************ // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Synt...
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Publié le 15/02/2023
Téléchargé 152 fois
Classe OOP para trabalhar com soap xml Api Rest Send Json, Httpsend, Send, HttpForm, ainda em desenvolvimento 90% pronto
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Publié le 11/02/2023
Téléchargé 53 fois
Create JSON easily from (almost) any arbitrary variable/object/data source... (only WebDev 16) Sample usage for a direct StringDisplay: MyObject is MyClass RSRenderer.RenderObject(MyObject) Data is...
Publié le 04/05/2011
Téléchargé 863 fois
JWT or JSON Web Token is an industry standard defined by RFC7519 that aims to compactly and securely transmit or store JSON objects between different applications. The JWT is digitally signed using a ...
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Publié le 13/02/2023
Téléchargé 148 fois
This example shows how to transfer JSON between two Android devices using bluetooth. It uses sockets for that.
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Publié le 15/02/2023
Téléchargé 99 fois
WD Native access to MongoDB // Connection to the MongoDB server on the example database (creates the database if it does not exist) gclConnection = MongoCreate(StringBuild("mongodb://%1:%2/%3",EDT_Se...
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Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 48 fois
WINDEV Mobile example how to use rest send and structures without using global variables with structure in class TEM O PDF DA DOCUMENTACAO DENTRO DO ZIP //EXEMPLO URL is string = "https://api.dignu...
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Publié le 17/02/2024
Téléchargé 26 fois
Exemplo Webservice Rest Full API - Json e Link da Video aula de como desenvolver e usar Segue aqui um exemplo de Webservice rest com 2 tabelas com o codigo fonte e link da video aula feita com o clie...
Publié le 11/01/2020
Téléchargé 202 fois
WEBDEV Exemplo de Upload de Arquivos Video no youtube https://youtu.be/miFIivOQWlw CODIGO /// se houver arquivo para upload IF MySelf..Occurrence <> 0 THEN UploadStart(UPL_arquivos) END ///-----...
Publié le 06/04/2024
Téléchargé 14 fois