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Publié le 12/01/2013
Téléchargé 411 fois
NextAge's Business Rule Class was created to provide a uniform method of enforcing business rules and data validation in an application. Furthermore it provides the ability to adjust and extend the bu...
 / Productivité
Mis à jour le 16/02/2021
Téléchargé 88 fois
An Xml Validator being developed Search Xml Show Xml examples Useful links Links Amarildo Xml Content - Developing Print Danf - Developing ========= C:\My Sites\My Examples\aula_amarildo This is a pro...
Exemplo CRUD WINDEV Mobile - com planos, oop, passagem de parametros, menu e login do sistema https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLlaslkyqIQ tem essa aula para explicar sobre o assunto vou montar um CRU...
WM Password - Aplicativo para gerenciar as suas senhas de Bancos, e-mails e sites Windows IW_DefineGeneralPassword IW_InputGeneralPassword IW_SlideHelp IW_SlidingMenuList WIN_EditCategories WIN...
Publié le 06/06/2022
Téléchargé 9 fois
WM Threads
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Publié le 10/04/2020
Téléchargé 680 fois
Une des nouveautés de la version 25 est de proposer l’éditeur d’état sur Android. Cependant, on ne peut pas utiliser l’etat lui-même mais son code. L’aide n’indique pas encore (a l’heure ou j’écris ce...
Below is the source code for the WINDEV example used in the webinar "Map, Filter, Reduce: A functional approach to array operations". You can watch the webinar here: https://youtu.be/ONtlVXeHwPQ
How to return the computer's IP through the WEBDEV Site - BrowserIPAddress https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/03/dicas-3286-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-como.html https://youtu.be/AbnpDzTibVM Com...
Publié le 17/02/2022
Téléchargé 16 fois
https://youtu.be/j0yJ3GUN7d4 https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/02/dica-3633-calculadora-WINDEV-27.html TIP 3633 - Calculator - WINDEV 27
WD The fListFile function - Listar arquivos e diretorios de um uma unidade de disco sDirectoryName is string DatatimeInicial is DateTime = DateSys()+TimeSys() sDirectoryName = fSelectDir("","Select...