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Publié le 25/05/2022
Téléchargé 102 fois
WD Sales Management - Aba dinamica Windows Dashboard widgets Tools IW_Pane_DASH IW_Pane_Form_Edit_Customer IW_Pane_Form_Edit_Invoice IW_Pane_Form_Edit_Order IW_Pane_Form_Edit_Product IW_Pane_...
Exemplo de Contrato de Prestação de Serviços em Informática e Termo de Confidencialidade e Sigilo para usarem em suas propostas de trabalho em os seus projetos
Publié le 09/06/2021
Téléchargé 23 fois
https://youtu.be/goEPhIgAj6I https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2021/06/dicas-3351-WINDEV-WEBDEV-mobile-fazendo.html New vertical graphic example version 26 of WEBDEV Exemplo grafico vertical...
Publié le 29/03/2022
Téléchargé 16 fois
tip 3678 - WINDEV class - 26 - father and son class - tips
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Publié le 13/06/2022
Téléchargé 28 fois
WD The Range Slider control - Esticar Zoom Imagem
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Publié le 12/03/2024
Téléchargé 19 fois
Commands Used: For 64-bit Systems: **************************** C:\Windows\SysWOW64 cd C:\Windows\SysWOW64 regsvr32 libcef.dll For 32-bit systems: ************************** C:\Windows\Syste...
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Publié le 14/12/2013
Téléchargé 832 fois
This contains several classes to make working with JSON files much easier. I have not used this exact package but a previous one Hilario sent me. He sent this update later. Save, unzip and import i...
Exemplo Master X Detail RAD, Relatorios Detail com totais, Graficos com Detail Video aula https://youtu.be/dkSdvSX75d4
Listagem dos Usuarios do Active Directory do Windows Server
https://youtu.be/xVS_5ttF1wI Video will be released on 01/24/2022 Video 3583 - nov27 4 - TableSearchEverywhere - Search in All Columns https://windevdesenvolvimento.blogspot.com/2022/01/video-3583-nov...