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Publié le 16/05/2022
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Exemplo de Websocket com WEBDEV
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Publié le 18/05/2022
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WM Android System Utilits Connectivity WIN_Bluetooth WIN_Connectivity WIN_Internet WIN_NFC WIN_Wifi Hardware WIN_Accelerometer WIN_Aircraft WIN_Compass WIN_LEDAndVibration WIN_Lightness ...
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Publié le 14/06/2022
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WD The voice recognition functions
How to Create and Manipulate a Structure - WEBDEV_Estrutura ----- How to Create and Manipulate a Structure Let's create a button Let's create a table by programming with 2 columns Let's create a varia...
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Publié le 07/07/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Newsletter Pages Public pages confirm identification newsletter profile registration reinitialization unregister viewimage PAGE_Configuration PAGE_Dashboard PAGE_Dlg_Ima...
 / Productivité
Publié le 25/12/2021
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Consumo de API Para buscar informações da tabela FIPE Canal: https://www.youtube.com/c/EasyCodar Email: m.marcilon@yahoo.com gmail: mmendonca1585@gmail.com Whats: +55 (41) 99243-9091
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Publié le 09/07/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_WebDoc Pages PAGE_DocumentEdit PAGE_DocumentHistory PAGE_DocumentList PAGE_DocumentSearch PAGE_FindResult PAGE_Identification PAGE_Management Reports Queries QRY_CategoryL...
 WD The NumberInWords function - Numbers in full words = Numeros em palavras por extenso, Exemplo Cheque Outro exemplo de extenso de um numero https://repository.WINDEV.com/publish.awp?file_id=28147...
Tip 3889 - CommandLine - Command Line for Program - WINDEV 28 - Commands 96 Youtube https://youtu.be/_HgTwaKByRs
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Publié le 17/01/2021
Téléchargé 59 fois
O exemplo da senha WD mostra uma senha "segura". Ele pode ser usado para gerenciar as senhas criadas ao usar sites da Internet, mas também em aplicativos ou senhas do dia a dia (códigos digitais, códi...