Composant EZACS3 pour Cartes à Puce Contact et NFC ACOS3
Publié par Michel GARCIA
dans la catégorie Outils
Update Log on EZACS3 :

2014-09-01 - Component
- Added new set of functions related to Fingerprint Management (PRO_FGPxyz) / See component details

2014-09-01 - Example
- Added a new FEN_FGPManagement Window to use AET62/65 Fignerprint readers

2014-01-22 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedINIFileName to transfer the INI File Name into the Component

2014-01-12 - Example
- Updated code on FirstWindow GLOBAL to use PRO_ACOS3FeedProgramName / PRO_ACOS3FeedINIFileName

2014-01-15 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedProgramName to transfer the program name into the component
- Added PRO_ACOS3INICreate to create an INI file containing Hardware / Currency parameters
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIChkHardware to check if hardware parameters have been created
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIHardwareWrite to write new hardware parameters
- Added PRO_ACOS3INIReset to reset ALL INI Parameters (new hardware or currency installation)
- Added PRO_ACOS3ININFCWrite to write your own ATR/ATS details (specific cards manufactured by ACS for your firm)
- Added PRO_ACOS3INICurrencyWrite to write the Currency details, display, and unit/decimals parameters
- Added Set of new functions to use NFC / Hybrid ACOS3 cards
PRO_ACOS3NFCCardParameters to set DES Mode / IC Encryption Mode
PRO_ACOS3NFCATRATSParameters to read the NFC Parameters (ATR/ATS)
PRO_ACOS3NFCCardStage to know which is current Life Cycle status of the NFC Card
PRO_ACOS3NFCStatus to know if it is an NFC Card

- Added PRO_ACOS3SetAccountKeys to set the Account Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetCardKeys to set the Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetDemoCardKeys to set the Demo Keys on the SmartCard
- Added PRO_ACOS3SetUnitDecimal to set if SmartCard will be using units or decimal

- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedAccountKeys feed the Account Keys into the Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3FeedCardKeys feed the Card Keys into the Component

- Modified PRO_ACOS3ShowHardwareUsed for compatibility with INI parameters
- Modified PRO_ACOS3HideHardwareUsed for compatibility with INI parameters

2014-01-15 - Example
- Updated code on FirstWindow BTN_ListReaders to use new INI functions
- Updated code on FirstWindow BTN_Connect to use new INI functions
- Added new button FirstWindow BTN_ResetINI to reset INI File

2013-10-16 - Component
- Fixed a minor bug where CKSM on PRO_ACOS3AccountRead were wrong if Amount > 70143

2013-10-16 - Example
- Fixed a minor bug where Amounts / balance not displayed when no decimals allowed

2013-10-10 - Component
- Modified PRO_ACOS3AccountCredit for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3RevokeDebit for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3PINDESSessionKey for compatibility with ACR83
- Modified PRO_ACOS3PINSubmitNew for compatibility with ACR83

2013-10-10 - Example
- Modified in FirstWindow/Personalization/BTN_PINOK for compatibility with ACR83

2013-10-08 - Component
- Added PRO_ACOS3CurrencyParameters for displaying the currency and amount to debit on the ACR83

2013-10-07 - Component
- Added decimal capacity on the Account.
- Added set of new functions to use the ACR83 reader with display and keyboard :
PRO_ACR83ClearLCD to clear the LCD Display
PRO_ACR83DisplayLCDMessage to display a message on the LCD
PRO_ACR83GetFeatureRequest to know the available features of the ACR83
PRO_ACR83GetFirmwareVersion to know which is the version of the ACR83
PRO_ACR83GetIFPINProperties to know which properties are available for the PIN
PRO_ACR83ModifyPIN to modify PIN on ACR83
PRO_ACR83ReadKeys to read pressed keys on the ACR83
PRO_ACR83VerifyPIN to verify PIN used on ACR83

- Added PRO_ACOS3GetACR83Status to check if this hardware is connected.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3AccountDebit for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToRead for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToWrite for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified PRO_ACOS3ChosenFileToEraseFormat for compatibility with ACR83.
- Modified FEN_UserFilePassword for compatibility with ACR83 - Changed the filling from ascii 0 to ascii 255
- Modified FEN_CardPasswordsEmbeddedGeneration for compatibility with ACR83
Changed the filling from ascii 0 to ascii 255.
Added a procedure to check if password and application codes are compatible with ACR83.

2013-10-07 - Example
- Added option for decimal capacity on the account. See Account Tab and Operations Tab.
- Added button ACR83 on the About Tab to access the ACR83 Window when connected.
- Added FEN_ACR83Management Window
- Added FEN_ACR83ModifyPIN Window
- Added FEN_ACR83VerifyPIN Window
- Added FEN_ACR83ReadKeys Window
- Adapted the code to handle the new ACR83 functions and Decimal Capacity for the Account and Operations Tabs.

2013-08-27 - Component
- Fixed a minor bug related to DES3 calculation in User Mode.

2013-08-25 - Component
- Fixed major bug when using PIN Code in User Mode.
- Fixed typo in CardKeysPasswords generated file.
- Fixed minor bug when using Debit with Certificate > 255 (with or without password).

2013-08-23 - Component
- Fixed major bug on Read/Write Files with Secure Message.
- Fixed major bug related on Read/Write Files with and without Secure Message when SmartCard is in User Mode.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeCardKeys Procedure for use with SmartCard in User Mode.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeAccountKeys Procedure for use with SmartCard in User Mode.

2013-08-23 - Example
- Updated code on BTN_ReadPersonalizationFile related to User Mode bug.
- Added PRO_CHKCardUserModeStatus in FirstWindow related to User Mode bug.
- Added PRO_ACOS3UserModeAccountKeys in FirstWindow related to User Mode bug.

2013-08-22 - Component
- Fixed minor bug on PRO_ACOS3CHKHiddenCharacters.
- Added bCardAccount parameter on PRO_ACOS3CHKHiddenCharacters.
- Fixed minor bug on PRO_ACOS3PersonalizationStageReadWithCounters.

2013-08-22 - Example
- Fixed minor bug on file size calculation Decimal to Hexa.
- Updated BTN_WriteSecurityFile / BTN_WriteAccountSecurity to use new parameter bCardAccount.
- Updated code on BTN_ReadPersonalizationFile.

Ce composant permet l'intégration et l'utilisation facile des Cartes à Puce ACOS3/3X/NFC avec gestion des empreintes digitales dans vos applications (WD14 minimum).

• Choix du lecteur PCSC (contact et/ NFC)
• Connexion / Déconnexion du lecteur
• Lecture/Ecriture sur les cartes à puces SmartCards ACOS 3 , ACOS 3X , ACOS3 NFC
• Gestion des options Fabricant
• Gestion des options Personnalisation :

Compte / Activation du Compte de la Carte à Puce
3DES / Cryptage utilisé
PIN_ALT / Altération du PIN autorisée
DEB_MAC / Calcul d’une MAC lors d’un débit
DEB_PIN / PIN obligé pour les débits
REV _DEB / Révocation du débit autorisée
TRANS_AUT / Authentification obligatoire pour les transactions sur le compte
INQ_AUT / Authentification obligatoire pour interroger le compte

• Gestion des options de Sécurité pour les mots de passe IC / PIN et applications AP1 à AP5
• Gestion du nombre d’essais IC / PIN et applications
• Gestion des mots de passe Applicatifs (IC, PIN, AP1 à AP5)
• Gestion des clefs de sécurité utilisées pour le chiffrement DES / 3DES, authentification Carte et Terminal
• Gestion de l’ATR personnalisé (Vitesse, signature de la carte, etc)
• Gestion des fichiers (création, taille, enregistrement / binaire , droits, sécurité, mots de passe, lecture, écriture)
• Gestion du Compte

Fonctions :

• Gestion des clefs de sécurité DES / 3DES pour utilisation des fonctions du Compte
• Utilitaire de création des mots de passe embarqués et chiffrement nominatif pour vos applications

Les composants sont téléchargeables pour test, avec un exemple complet d’utilisation et programmation en français et anglais. Ils deviennent utilisables en production par l’achat d’une licence d’utilisation.

Vous pouvez nous contacter pour toute question à l'adresse courriel : info@iim.ch

Le fichier EZACS3.ZIP contient le code source de l'exemple et le composant, séparés en 2 fichiers zip. LE CODE SOURCE DU COMPOSANT N'EST PAS FOURNI.

Illustrations, copies d'écran
Avis des utilisateurs
(Pour noter la ressource, cliquez sur Ecrire un avis)
Pourquoi utiliser une carte spécialisé (ACS) et non une carte générique type Mifare
Est-ce que le composant est fournit avec les sources pour pouvoir l'adapter
00Aucune évaluation
1 779
05 septembre 2014
Version minimale : 01F140030f
18,7 Mo