Novo Exemplo Tray Icon (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Rodando na bandeja do Windows e controlando as tarefas do Gerenciador de Tarefas/Task Manager do Windows podendo fechar aplicações via linha de comando
Novo Exemplo TrayIcon, rodando na bandeja do Windows - DOG - Security DOG - Tray ICON - Iconize - Minimize - Relogio do Windows - Gerenciador de tarefas do Windows
New Example Tray Icon (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Running on the Windows tray and controlling the tasks of the Windows Task Manager/Task Manager being able to close applications via command line
Nouvel exemple d'icône de la barre d'état (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Fonctionnant dans la barre d'état Windows et contrôlant les tâches du gestionnaire de tâches de Windows pouvant fermer des applications via la ligne de commande
Nuevo Ejemplo de Icono de Bandeja (Trayicon/TrayIcone) Ejecutándose en la bandeja de Windows y controlando las tareas del Administrador de Tareas de Windows/Trask Manager pudiendo cerrar las aplicaciones a través de la línea de comandos
ou +55 41 99491800 / 41999491800 |
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// Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //[ <Result> = ] NumberHD () // // Parameters: // None // Return Value: // ANSI string: // None // // For instance: // Indicate an example. // PROCEDURE NumberHD()
nInfo is 8-byte int nInfo = fDriveInfo("C:", fdSerialNumber) //Info("The serial number of the disk is: "+nInfo) gsNumHD = nInfo
RESULT nInfo |
| // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //[ <Result> = ] PowerComputer () // // Parameters: // None // Return Value: // ANSI string: // None // // For instance: // Indicate an example. // PROCEDURE PowerComputer()
sPowerComputer is string = ""
sBaseBoardManufacturer, sBaseBoardProduct, sBaseBoardVersion, sBIOSReleaseDate, sBIOSVendor, sBIOSVersion, sSystemFamily, sSystemManufacturer is string = ""
ResExist1 is boolean = RegistryExist("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS")
ResExist2 is boolean = RegistryExist("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0")
IF ResExist1 = True AND ResExist2 = True sBaseBoardManufacturer = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BaseBoardManufacturer", True) sBaseBoardProduct = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BaseBoardProduct", True) sBaseBoardVersion = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BaseBoardVersion", True) sBIOSReleaseDate = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BIOSReleaseDate", True) sBIOSVendor = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BIOSVendor", True) sBIOSVersion = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "BIOSVersion", True) sSystemFamily = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "SystemFamily", True) sSystemManufacturer = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\BIOS", "SystemManufacturer", True) sPowerComputer = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0", "ProcessorNameString", True) GravaConfig("Processador",sPowerComputer) sPowerComputer = sPowerComputer + CRLF sPlaca_Mae is string = sBaseBoardManufacturer +" - "+ sBaseBoardProduct +" - "+ sBaseBoardVersion +" - "+ sBIOSReleaseDate +" - "+ sBIOSVendor +" - "+ sBIOSVersion +" - "+ sSystemFamily +" - "+ sSystemManufacturer GravaConfig("PlacaMae",sPlaca_Mae) sPowerComputer += sPlaca_Mae + CRLF sWindows is string = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "ProductName", True) GravaConfig("Windows",sWindows) sPowerComputer += sWindows + CRLF SerialWindows = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion", "BuildGUID", True) GravaConfig("SerialWindows",SerialWindows) sPowerComputer += SerialWindows + CRLF sVersion_Windows is string = Windows +" - "+ SerialWindows +" - "+ SysWindowsVersion(sysProcessor) +" bits - "+ SysWindowsVersion(sysVersionBuild) +" - "+ SysWindowsVersion(sysVersionInfo) +" - "+ SysWindowsVersion(sysVersionNumber) +" - "+ SysWindowsVersion(sysVersionPlatform) GravaConfig("Version_Windows",sVersion_Windows) sPowerComputer += sVersion_Windows + CRLF sPais is string = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International", "sCountry", True) GravaConfig("Pais",sPais) sPowerComputer += sPais + CRLF sIdioma is string = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International", "LocaleName", True) GravaConfig("Idioma",sIdioma) sPowerComputer += sIdioma + CRLF sPathWindows is string = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment", "Path", True) GravaConfig("PathWindows",sPathWindows) sPowerComputer += sPathWindows + CRLF END
sIP_4 is string = NetIPAddress() GravaConfig("IP_4",sIP_4) sPowerComputer += sIP_4 + CRLF //gsIP = sIP_4
sPlaca_de_Rede_Mac is string = Upper(NetMACAddress()) GravaConfig("Placa_de_Rede_Mac",sPlaca_de_Rede_Mac) sPowerComputer += sPlaca_de_Rede_Mac + CRLF
sName_PC is string = Upper(NetMachineName()) GravaConfig("Name_PC",sName_PC) //gsName_PC = sName_PC sPowerComputer += sName_PC + CRLF
sUser_Windows is string = Upper(NetworkUser()) GravaConfig("User_Windows",sUser_Windows) sPowerComputer += sUser_Windows + CRLF //gsUserWindows = sUser_Windows
//PCSOFT gsPCSOFT is string = RegistryQueryValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Aladdin Knowledge Systems\HASP\Driver\Installer", "DrvPkgVersion", True) GravaConfig("PCSOFT",gsPCSOFT) sPowerComputer += gsPCSOFT + CRLF
//Marca_Modelo_Placa_de_Rede sPlaca_de_Rede_Marca_Modelo,sPlaca_de_Rede_ServiceName is string ResExist3 is boolean = RegistryExist("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards") IF ResExist3 = True THEN Key is string = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards\" Achou is string = "" x is int = 0 WHILE Key <> "" x+= 1 Achou = RegistryQueryValue(Key+x, "Description", True) IF Achou <> "" sPlaca_de_Rede_Marca_Modelo = Achou sPlaca_de_Rede_ServiceName = RegistryQueryValue(Key+x, "ServiceName", True) BREAK END IF x > 5 THEN BREAK END END END sPowerComputer += sPlaca_de_Rede_Marca_Modelo +" / "+ sPlaca_de_Rede_ServiceName + CRLF //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//AMBIENTE USER - DIRETORIOS A SEREM CRIPTOGRAFADOS IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Documents\") sDoc_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Documents\" GravaConfig("Doc_User",sDoc_User) sPowerComputer += sDoc_User + CRLF sPPDATA is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\AppData\Roaming\" GravaConfig("APPDATA",sPPDATA) sPowerComputer += sPPDATA + CRLF sLOCALAPPDATA is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\AppData\Local" GravaConfig("LOCALAPPDATA",sLOCALAPPDATA) sPowerComputer += sLOCALAPPDATA + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Pictures\") sImages_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Pictures\" GravaConfig("Images_User",sImages_User) sPowerComputer += sImages_User + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Contacts\") sContacts_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Contacts\" GravaConfig("Contacts_User",sContacts_User) sPowerComputer += sContacts_User + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Desktop\") sDesktop_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Desktop\" GravaConfig("Desktop_User",sDesktop_User) sPowerComputer += sDesktop_User + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Downloads\") sDownloads_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Downloads\" GravaConfig("Downloads_User",sDownloads_User) sPowerComputer += sDownloads_User + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Music\") sMusic_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Music\" GravaConfig("Music_User",sMusic_User) sPowerComputer += sMusic_User + CRLF END
IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Videos\") sVideos_User is string = "C:\Users\"+Upper(NetworkUser())+"\Videos\" GravaConfig("Videos_User",sVideos_User) sPowerComputer += sVideos_User + CRLF END
//Wx sProject_Windev is string IF fDirectoryExist("C:\My Projects\") sProject_Windev = "C:\My Projects\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\My Projects\") sProject_Windev = "D:\My Projects\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\My Projects\") sProject_Windev = "E:\My Projects\" END GravaConfig("Project_Windev",sProject_Windev) sPowerComputer += sProject_Windev + CRLF
//WB sProject_Webdev is string IF fDirectoryExist("C:\My Sites\") sProject_Webdev = "C:\My Sites\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\My Sites\") sProject_Webdev = "D:\My Sites\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\My Sites\") sProject_Webdev = "E:\My Sites\" END GravaConfig("Project_Webdev",sProject_Webdev) sPowerComputer += sProject_Webdev + CRLF
//WM sProject_Windev_Mobile is string IF fDirectoryExist("C:\My Mobile Projects\") sProject_Windev_Mobile = "C:\My Mobile Projects\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\My Mobile Projects\") sProject_Windev_Mobile = "D:\My Mobile Projects\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\My Mobile Projects\") sProject_Windev_Mobile = "E:\My Mobile Projects\" END GravaConfig("Project_Windev_Mobile",sProject_Windev_Mobile) sPowerComputer += sProject_Windev_Mobile + CRLF
//Meus Documentos sDoc_User_Alternativo is string IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Meus Documentos\") sDoc_User_Alternativo = "C:\Meus Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\Meus Documentos\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "D:\Meus Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\Meus Documentos\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "E:\Meus Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("C:\My Documents\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "C:\My Documents\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\My Documents\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "D:\My Documents\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\My Documents\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "E:\My Documents\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Documentos\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "C:\Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\Documentos\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "D:\Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\Documentos\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "E:\Documentos\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Documents\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "C:\Documents\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("D:\Documens\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "D:\Documents\" ELSE IF fDirectoryExist("E:\Documents\") AND sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" sDoc_User_Alternativo = "E:\Documents\" ELSE sDoc_User_Alternativo = "" END END END END IF sDoc_User_Alternativo <> "" GravaConfig("Doc_User_Alternativo",sDoc_User_Alternativo) sPowerComputer += sDoc_User_Alternativo + CRLF END
//Programas Instalados sProgramas is string = RegistryListkey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software") GravaConfig("Programas32bits",sProgramas) sPowerComputer += sProgramas + CRLF
sProgramas64 is string = RegistryListkey("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node") GravaConfig("Programas64bits",sProgramas64) sPowerComputer += sProgramas64 + CRLF //gsComputador = sPowerComputer
sPowerComputerCrypt is string = HashString(HA_HMAC_SHA3_512,sPowerComputer) GravaConfig("PCID",sPowerComputerCrypt)
RESULT sPowerComputer |
| // Summary: <specify the procedure action> // Syntax: //CreateShortcuts () // // Parameters: // None
// Return value: // For instance: PROCEDURE CreateShortcuts()
sShortcut_Name is string = "TrayIcon" sShortcut_Command is string = fCurrentDir()+"\TrayIcon.exe"
//Diretorio de execução //IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Program Files\") = False THEN // fMakeDir("C:\Program Files\") //END // //IF fDirectoryExist("C:\Program Files\TrayIcon\") = False THEN // fMakeDir("C:\Program Files\TrayIcon\") //END
//Copiar arquivo //IF fFileExist("C:\Program Files\TrayIcon\TrayIcon.exe") = False // fCopyFile(fCurrentDir()+"\TrayIcon.exe",fCurrentDir()+"\TrayIcon.exe") //END
//Criar Autorun no Registro RegistrySetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\", sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command)
//criação dos atalhos //Atalho no iniciar //shortcutDesktop - Atalho criado na área de trabalho do Windows para todos os usuários de computador. IF CreateShortCut(shortcutDesktop, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) IF ErrorInfo() THEN //shortcutUserDesktop = Atalho criado na área de trabalho do Windows para o usuário atual do computador. IF CreateShortCut(shortcutUserDesktop, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) END END END
//Atalho criado no menu "Iniciar .. Programas .. Inicialização" do Windows para todos os usuários de computador. IF CreateShortCut(shortcutStartup, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) IF ErrorInfo() THEN //Shortcut created in the "Start .. Programs .. Startup" menu of Windows for the current computer user. IF CreateShortCut(shortcutUserStartup, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) END END END
//Menu Program IF CreateShortCut(shortcutProgram, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) IF ErrorInfo() THEN IF CreateShortCut(shortcutUserProgram, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) END END END
//Menu Iniciar IF CreateShortCut(shortcutStart, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) IF ErrorInfo() THEN IF CreateShortCut(shortcutUserStart, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) END END END
//C:\Users\ADRIANO\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ Usuario is string = "" sDirStartup is string = "C:\Users\"+Usuario+"\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\" IF fDirectoryExist(sDirStartup) = True THEN IF CreateShortCut(shortcutUserStart, sShortcut_Name, sShortcut_Command, "", swsNormal, "A") = False THEN Error("Failure creating the shortcut in" + SysDir(srCommonDesktop) + ... ", check your rights (administrator privileges required)", ErrorInfo()) END END |
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