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13 résultats
This is a very simple GIMP script that converts an image to a 5-state image to be used as icons with buttons. I hope you find it handy.
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Publié le 10/07/2009
Téléchargé 1 994 fois
NOTE: Missing library added. This is a demo of a simple diagram editor i've made some time ago. It's only the first part of the diagram editor, but it is very easy to extend and implement new feature...
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Publié le 10/06/2010
Téléchargé 863 fois
Horde3D bindings for WinDev 15. NOTE: Requires an OpenGL 2.0 compatible video card with up-to-date drivers installed. For more information please visit: http://wolfbit.com/blog/2010/06/windev-horde...
Publié le 06/06/2010
Téléchargé 843 fois
Little project showing how to make an XML file viewer using a Treeview Table. Very easy to implement on another projects that you may have.
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Publié le 04/02/2011
Téléchargé 946 fois
Please visit: http://wolfbit.com/blog/ To download the newer version. I start writing this tool today, and finished it also today… It tooked me 3 hours to write all the application. It is very simple...
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Mis à jour le 13/08/2010
Téléchargé 761 fois
AfterAJAX is a Javascript function that will allow you to execute javascript after that ajax process of a button is done. It is available for WebDev 14 30A140030f. For WebDev, AWP and PHP. To implem...
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Publié le 24/07/2010
Téléchargé 221 fois
Updated to version (February 3, 2011) Please visit: http://wolfbit.com/blog/ To get the newer version. Features: - Syntax coloring. - Suggestions (or autocomplete) using Ctrl+Space. - Anal...
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Mis à jour le 04/02/2011
Téléchargé 1 154 fois
Twitter for WinDev, includes an OAuth class to access any OAuth 1.0 site, a Twitter class to make it easier to make Twitter calls, and a JSON parser class, to easily parse JSON messages. For document...
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Publié le 27/09/2010
Téléchargé 812 fois
Sample Twitter Application, with full source code... For WinDev 14 and up. Just change the ConsumerKey and ConsumerSecret on the Project Code.
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Publié le 09/06/2011
Téléchargé 946 fois
Implement Comet (Gmail-like chats) on your WebDev applications easily... Ok, so this is very experimental, but it's working. On the EXE directory you must run the webtalk.exe file BEFORE running you...
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Publié le 21/05/2011
Téléchargé 706 fois