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WD Active Directory DotNet .net PROCEDURE REFProperties() sNode is string // TreeView node in the main window sTempString is string // String that contains the identifier of each TreeView leaf (and ...
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Publié le 06/06/2022
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WD The GglGetStaticMap function
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Publié le 13/06/2022
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WEBDEV Exemplo WW_Overview_Mobile_Application Javascript Move Scroll Anime // Scroll to a position function ScrollToAnime(nPosition){ $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:nPosition}, 'slow'); } //-...
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Publié le 07/07/2022
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Maior numero primo para calculos criptograficos seguros - Largest prime number for secure cryptographic calculations - Le plus grand nombre premier pour des calculs cryptographiques sécurisés https:/...
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Publié le 15/03/2023
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WD Handling text files // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- RUN CODE --------------------------- // ----------------------------------------...
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Publié le 06/06/2022
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Mala Direta com WordTT, Replace Text, Send Email
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Publié le 09/03/2022
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Exemplo de Cryptografia e Descryptografia //Exemplo para Criptografar // se usar a criptografia em um arquivo texto ou ini deve fazer encode 64 bits. sMessage is Buffer = EDT_Mensagem bufKey is Buf...
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Publié le 15/03/2024
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WD Merging the column titles and the table cells - WD Mesclando os títulos das colunas e as células da tabela // define a font tt is Font tt = FontCreate("Verdana",11,iBold) // merge the titles of ...
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Publié le 07/06/2022
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WD Progress window
Publié le 07/06/2022
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TDF TECH 2012 - WEBDEV Exemplos
Publié le 01/10/2021
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