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A continuación, encontrará el código fuente del ejemplo utilizado en el seminario Web "Consumir un Webservice REST". Para ver el seminario visite el siguiente enlace: https://youtu.be/fbcA68RXULU
 / Communication
Mis à jour le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 2 484 fois
Chat with WINDEV Projeto exemplo de Chat desenvolvido no WINDEV. Desenvolvedor: Fabrício Almeida +5583986556461 Telegram @fabricioalmeida
 / Outils
Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 40 fois
WD Management of RTF // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // ----------------------- RUN CODE --------------------------- // -----------------------------------------...
WD Managing the main menu of a window by programmin - WD Gerenciando o menu principal de uma janela por programação IF bModif = True THEN // "MenuSelectMinus is used to gray an option." MenuSelectM...
 / Outils
Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 30 fois
WD Managing the timers // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------- GLOBAL VARIABLES ----------------------- // --------------------------------------...
 / Outils
Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 33 fois
WD Managing the Windows session // Manage the action to perform SWITCH RADIO_ACTION CASE 1 // Close the session SysShutdown(sysLogoff) // Close the window Close() CASE 2 // Stop the system...
WD Merging the column titles and the table cells - WD Mesclando os títulos das colunas e as células da tabela // define a font tt is Font tt = FontCreate("Verdana",11,iBold) // merge the titles of ...
WD Moving elements between two list boxes - WD Movendo elementos entre duas caixas de listagem // Clears the list ListDeleteAll(LIST_Memory) // Fills the list ListAdd(LIST_Memory, "Monday") ListAdd...
 / Outils
Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 56 fois
WD Native access to MongoDB // Connection to the MongoDB server on the example database (creates the database if it does not exist) gclConnection = MongoCreate(StringBuild("mongodb://%1:%2/%3",EDT_Se...
 / Outils
Publié le 07/06/2022
Téléchargé 25 fois
WD Operators Text // procedure used to update the display of results PROCEDURE UPD() // Calculate the result of an operation such as // ----------- sString1= String2[[ Subscript ]] -------- RES2 =...