Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 53 fois |
WD Sending an email in HTML format - WD Enviando um e-mail em formato HTML |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 44 fois |
WD Sending emails with.Attacheds |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 35 fois |
WD Strings with APIs The table below is filled with the environment variables of the system. All these variables are retrieved via a single call to the Windows GetEnvironmentStrings API. This API ret... |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 25 fois |
WD Style for displaying the table cells - Altera a cor das linhas e celulas da tabel em runtime nSTyle is int SWITCH RADIO_Hatched CASE 1 : nSTyle = styleHorizontalHatch CASE 2 : nSTyle = sty... |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 17 fois |
WD Switching from the RTF format to the HTML format - WD Mudando do formato RTF para o formato HTML // temporary variable used to retrieve the HTML code of RTFToHTML sTmp is string // initialize the... |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 7 fois |
| TIP 3732 - Table with Double click - WEBDEV 27 |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 6 fois |
| TIP 3732 - Table with Double click - WEBDEV 27 |
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Publié le 07/06/2022 Téléchargé 36 fois |
WD The alarms - Aviso agendado |
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Publié le 06/06/2022 Téléchargé 36 fois |
WD Active Directory DotNet .net PROCEDURE REFProperties() sNode is string // TreeView node in the main window sTempString is string // String that contains the identifier of each TreeView leaf (and ... |
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Publié le 06/06/2022 Téléchargé 12 fois |
WD Chart Age Pyramid - Grafico Histograma Piramede // Summary: Calling the various "gr" functions of the control template to create the first example of age pyramid (fictitious data) // Syntax: //Dra... |
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