RAD Patern Tab Dinamica para o Projeto - WD Gestion Comerciale WINDEV v 26
Ao compile must copy to or directory
C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV 26\Personnel\Modeles\RAD\WD\Patterns
C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV 26\Programmes\Donnees\Modeles\RAD\WD\Patterns
COPY RadPatern_TabDinamica.Pattern TO C:\PC SOFT\WINDEV 26\Programmes\Donnees\Modeles\RAD\WD\Patterns
It is very important to be able to create an internal window and to have it available in the list of rad pattern objects, it is necessary to save as internal windows. We specify that this resource is available at versao 26 to facilitate or develop new projects.
My skype adrianoboller
+55 41 99949 1800 / +55 41 9949 1800